As a two-time Canadian champion in Latin & Ballroom dacing, Mila can really take either your social or competition dancing to the next level.
Mila’s introduction to the world of dance was unusual. She wasn’t very keen on her lessons as a young girl, and her mother had to bribe her to attend with lollipops! One day her dance teacher called Mila’s mother in. Mila thought she was in trouble until her teacher said: “This girl has to dance forever! Never let her stop!” The rest is history, as they say.
Mila’s competitive career began in Russia, and after moving to Toronto, she’s been representing Canada in dance competitions since 2006. She’s been teaching Ballroom for over 10 years. When not cultivating her healthy love for chocolate, cucumber and watermelon, Mila continues to teach and perform regularly in Toronto and across the country.
“The longer I have been in this sport, the more I fall in love with it, especially when I see the difference it can make in people’s lives! To see someone who has never danced suddenly start to build confidence, coordination, flexibility, balance… it’s very powerful.”
Awards: Two-time International Latin & Standard Canadian Champion
Physical Height: 163cm