Max had a humble start when he first came to Canada in 2009 and co-founded DanceLife with Kean Pradichit in 2011. It took a tremendous persistence and dedication those first first few years to build the management skill, team members and studio reputation to the point where DanceLife could sign its own lease on the unit at 593 Yonge in 2011. Building a new studio from scratch in a crowded market without being famous already yourself is not at all an easy thing to do. Even after 2011, there were several very tough times when it became all but impossible to keep the studio open. However Max and Kean always found a way, as true entrepreneurs do, and every time they came out stronger and wiser on the other side.
In originally starting DanceLife, Max had experienced the world of dancing from both the student’s and the teacher’s perspectives and was surprised how many incredibly talented and hardworking professionals in the industry struggle to make a consistent, good income from dance. He wanted to build a business that would help strengthen and grow the overall dance market (including its financial health) through innovation and management best practices.
The new DanceLifeX Centre is custom-built from the ground up with that vision in mind and is the culmination of all these years of learning and struggle to help support and grow dance culture in Toronto.