Kean first discovered dance back in 2002 when he was introduced to Salsa. He soon found that it was a passion of his and like many dancers both before and after him, it began to absorb more and more of his time. Shortly thereafter, Kean managed to become quite a successful entrepreneur in electronics retail and computer repair. Despite all the benefits of this thriving business, he continued to feel the pull of the dance world.
What drew him to dance was its power in connecting people and how it could change an individual’s life and outlook by giving them more confidence, more friends and great fitness. He wanted to make this a central part of his life and share it with others. So Kean began Latin & Ballroom teacher training in 2009, leaving his successful business behind to make dance his profession.
After several years as a teacher, Kean once again got bitten by the entrepreneurial bug and in 2012 he decided to start DanceLife with Max Archiputra. They worked immensely hard to navigate the ups and downs of starting a new studio in a very crowded Latin & Ballroom market, but as entrepreneurs do, they always found a way through the rough spots. By summer of 2016, with Marc Folch now on board as a third owner, DanceLife was ready to jump to the major leagues with its brand new 5,400+ sq ft facility in the heart of Toronto.