Christmas Sale 50% OFF 10 Class Package or more
[pricing_table type="1" backgroundcolor="" bordercolor="" dividercolor="" class="" id=""]
[pricing_column title='1 FREE Trial Class - Online Registration ONLY -'][pricing_price currency='$' price='17 FREE' time=''][/pricing_price][pricing_row] New Students ONLY - Limit 1 Per Person - $17 at Door[/pricing_row][pricing_footer] [/pricing_footer][/pricing_column]
[pricing_column title='5 CLASS PASS'][pricing_price currency='$' price='80' time=''][/pricing_price][pricing_row]$16 per class [/pricing_row][pricing_footer] [/pricing_footer][/pricing_column]
[pricing_column title='10 CLASS PASS'][pricing_price currency='$' price='75 150' time=''][/pricing_price][pricing_row]$7.5 15 per class[/pricing_row][pricing_footer][/pricing_footer][/pricing_column]
[pricing_column title='20 CLASS PASS'][pricing_price currency='$' price='140 280' time='']
[/pricing_price][pricing_row]$7 14 Per Class [/pricing_row][pricing_footer] [/pricing_footer][/pricing_column]
[pricing_column title='Unlimited Pass'][pricing_price currency='$' price='200 /mo' time=''][/pricing_price][pricing_row]1 MO UNLIMITED[/pricing_row][pricing_footer]
- 20 Class Pass expires 24 Weeks from First Visit
- 10 Class Pass expires 13 Weeks from First Visit
- 5 Class Pass expires 7 Weeks from First Visit
This Week’s K-POP Schedule
Check out some of our Class Videos Below.
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[youtube id=”R1P5spg0rHQ” width=”600″ height=”350″ autoplay=”no” api_params=”” class=””][/youtube]
[youtube id=”BryI2m4PnG0″ width=”600″ height=”350″ autoplay=”no” api_params=”” class=””][/youtube]
Kpop’s unique mix of Hip Hop, Pop and Sexy Heels has taken the world by storm and quickly made South Korea an international heavyweight in the music and dance industry. If you haven’t yet checked out some of the hits, you’re really missing out!
It’s generally characterized by tightly choreographed formation dancing to strong, catchy Pop songs. However the personality of individual songs and dances can range from soft and melodic to aggressive Hip Hop styling.