The umbrella term of Hip Hop Dance evolved out of and can include elements from many sub-types including Locking, Popping, Breaking, Boogaloo, Tutting, Roboting, Uprock, Toprock, etc… It is a high energy dance style to music with strong, driving beats and while it may be choreographed for classes and performances, it is often danced in freestyle (improvisational) form.

- If you want to become a great dancer or progress more quickly than the norm, private classes will get you there. We have many of the best teachers in the city who are not only amazing dancers (often at national or international levels), but also make it easy and fun to learn. If anyone can take you farther, faster than you though possible, it’s these dance teachers.
Just wear comfortable clothes that do not restrict your movement and are not too hot. Hip Hop Dance Classes are often quite energetic so you can expect to work up a sweat. Women should choose flats or running shoes rather than anything hard soled or with a heel because you will need a solid connection to the floor.